A project based on the ID engine, actively developed in 2019-2021.
Nothing inspires me more than scary but stylish dreams. A playlist dedicated to my old project on the gzdoom engine, in which I tried to visualize and gamify my dream, which I had somewhere in 2016. I worked on the project alone, and development began in 2019. It ended two years later, when I came out of deep depression and stopped drinking. I have no plans for further development.
Everything in the game almost immediately put the player in an awkward position; the game literally spoke in the language of gameplay that the player was not welcome in this world. Almost any mistake is fatal and led to zero HP and the game crashing after death.

The music is specially made this way. Previously, I thought about using music with a creative license, but several close people became interested in the project and I decided to write it myself. Dark ambient genre, noise, piano, and a bunch of other highly distorted instruments and sounds.
Download full Soundtrack in *zip
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The dream world is clearly not happy about your presence. The player will have to go through the game through trial and error. Power-ups will help him with this:

Speeds up the player’s movement.

Stops time for 2 seconds, but the player moves freely.

Status Reset.
Restores full HP.
There is only one weapon in the game

a crossbow

Functions like a rocket launcher, but with a very fast rocket. The arrows explode and cause damage to the surrounding area. Since the FOV is heavily distorted in the game, it will be difficult for the player to understand how to aim with it and he will be forced to inflict damage on himself.
At the end of development, only one enemy had been made.

A turret
The turret fires the same arrows that the player fires with a crossbow. The AI of the turrets is related to the Doom RNG. The turret can start shooting immediately, but sometimes it waits for a random amount of time, but it notifies you with a sound that it has seen you. If it starts shooting, 4 arrows fly at you at high speed. The walking speed in the game is slow, you can dodge the flow of arrows by strafe, but sometimes your environment is not conducive to free movement.
HP is not shown in the game. The amount of noise on the screen tells the player your condition.

Just like Doomguy’s face!
Because his face sprites were replaced!
I’m not particularly good at mapping in Doom… It would be nice to master it along with the new features of the gzdoom engine. Silent portals would be very helpful!

The square image has a secret. Solve it and get whole nothing respect from me!

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